The Aetherius culture: a major international business Unites Spiritual Men & ladies su una goal cosmica

Por leonardo

6 de março de 2024

Il breve Versione: Nel 1954, il dottor George Kragazzi in cerca d’amore Sanremog ottenuto a messaggio attraverso il ancora non noto chiedendo lui portare tranquility to everyone e aumentare mans conoscenza universo. He creato una azienda senza scopo di lucro chiamata The Aetherius culture esprimere gli teorie di un intelligenza ultraterrena e aiutare di mentalità aperta individui intraprendere un viaggio di risveglio religioso. Per decenni, la comunità ha accumulato positivo elettricità da innumerevoli follower e amici chi cura profondamente pertinenza mettere un po ‘ mondo an ancora di più godendo luogo. Quando questo umanitario obiettivo parla al tuo credenze, puoi imparare suggerimenti fornire la fonte attraverso l’essere coinvolti in un’area capitolo negli usa, Regno Unito, Canada, Continente australiano, Giappone, Svezia, così come altri nazioni globally. Dalla regolare preghiera sessioni ai pellegrinaggi annuali, The Aetherius Society attinge a una competenza cosmica e religioso potere quello sarà al di là di nozione.


Love è un mistico potere durante mercato. L’amore collega individui, motiva passaggi, e fornisce indicando a decine di vite quotidiane. Mentre noi forse non di solito capirlo, l’amore è molto importante a cosa significa è human being and just what it metodi per essere vivo. Richard Lawrence, il segretario esecutivo nella Aetherius culture per Europa, contrastato amo acqua in uno di suo sermoni: “allo stesso modo esistenza come sappiamo nel mondo non poteva esiste senza liquido, niente all’interno del mercato potrebbe verificarsi senza amore davvero. “

La cultura di Aetherius è una spirituale azienda centrata attorno a religiosa comprensione e atti umanitari. People in the Society avere fiducia in una maggiore contatto per offrire umanità ottenendo e trasmissioni positivo carburante. Nel 1955, un visionario pilates master chiamato Dr. George King ha fondato worldwide spirituale società dopo che il ragazzo ha ricevuto telepatico comunicazioni da un superiore alieno intelligenza. Il ragazzo pensava era suo obbligo condividere in generale il esistenza speranza messaggio di compassione, conforto, e love.

In questi giorni, The Aetherius culture ha effettivamente un’esistenza a Londra, la, e molti città in tutto il mondo. Their membri spesso si uniscono per distribuire amorevole e guarigione energia entro comunità e per il mondo. Se ti senti attratto questa sacra missione, è possibile visita una lezione, partecipa un pellegrinaggio, o partecipa a un altro recupero tradizioni di organizzazione|azienda|azienda|business} nonprofit. Tutti, indipendentemente da il loro unico storia o credenze, in realtà grazie per la visita partecipa negli tentativi di Aetherius community, aumentano il loro religioso comprensione , per trovare un maggiore scopo nella vita quotidiana.

“from get-go, our major dog is solution to the world, “ha detto il reverendo Oscar E. León per il Aetherius Società. “Siamo proprio qui provare e inviare quanto alto spirituale potere al mondo anche come possiamo. “

Dr. George King basato il Religious motion nel 1955

In May 1954, un messaggio di posta elettronica inciampato Dr. George King, chi era semplicemente una conoscenza di pilates e una trance method, while he was in his level in London. A gentle, yet firm, voice outside their human body believed to him: “prepare! You are to become the voice of the Interplanetary Parliament.”

Now, George had never ever heard of an interplanetary parliament, although ethereal terms left him stunned. The guy knew he hadn’t envisioned them, but the guy could not comprehend whatever designed. The guy spent the remainder of his existence endeavoring to comprehend the program set forth by that prophetic first get in touch with. Although the guy cannot describe exactly why, the guy stated the guy comprehended without a doubt he have been called by an alien and effective force to greatly help deliver humankind right back from the edge of destruction.

By expanding his spiritual comprehension and forging telepathic stations, George heard other communications from the extraterrestrial communicators, such as a Venusian Master known as Aetherius, which can be a Greek term meaning tourist through ether.

George officially started The Aetherius Society in 1955. Their aim was to distribute the lessons for the alien gods and lead others down a path of enlightenment and comfort. The organization features since grown into a worldwide activity encompassing numerous souls centered on living and enjoying on a higher spiritual amount.

Look for the incredible tale of Dr. George King’s existence work right here. As George himself said, “i really do perhaps not ask the unbeliever to believe immediately, but only demand that he can be applied that which Aetherius says to their own explanation.”

Find Healing & reason on Pilgrimages to Holy Mountains

What connections members of The Aetherius Society with each other is a solid, heartfelt desire to assist other people while making the entire world a better destination. Folks from all parts of society, from Quakers to atheists, find their way towards the Aetherius community. “the people come from differing backgrounds with various levels of spiritual development,” Oscar stated, “nonetheless they all show the interior knowledge or desire become of spiritual solution to everyone.”

The organization makes it simple for beginners to get included by inviting these to go to divine services or prayer rituals. All week long, members can submerge themselves during the sermons, lectures, classes, and spiritual undertakings associated with the Society. You can easily look up events online and discover once local chapter convenes. The informative and friendly environment encourages men and women to be a part of the visualizations, mantras, and prayers focused on fostering world tranquility.

“It’s all really positive,” Oscar told you. “we’ve got quite a few vibrant prayers and practices regularly purify the nature and recover the world.”

One of several Aetherius culture’s most time-honored traditions is actually the pilgrimages to holy mountains that have large volumes of religious electricity. The business recognizes 19 hills charged with enormous religious significance. Since 1959, countless members have traveled on hills to recharge and advance their spirits.

During times of crisis, the community draws from all of these holy sites to discharge positive electricity in to the world to counterbalance disasters, wartime dispute, political upheavals, along with other real catastrophes.

“Anybody of any degree of advancement can go to the hills and practice a selfless work of solution to contact the religious energies contained within it,” Oscar informed you. “the ability differs from one individual to another, however it is usually really positive and uplifting. People of all faiths, or no particular faith, are introducing join these pilgrimages.”

Open-Minded Individuals supply their own knowing & Support

From Ca to Australia, hundreds of thoughtful people have come to be fans of Aetherius culture and found common surface with spiritual people that share comparable beliefs. Occasionally the company has actually actually fostered dedicated intimate interactions.

Oscar informed you he came across their partner at an Aetherius Society occasion. She was a pal of one on the people and attended an Operation electricity Prayer occasion because she was curious about the culture. The woman real interest and positive attitude caught Oscar’s attention. The guy informed all of us the guy values the woman power to understand their values and discuss his goals.

Today they can be happily hitched and invested in similar reason for marketing comfort across the world. “She understands the importance of providing humanity,” he said. “Our connection might priceless to personal spiritual development. It’s been a blessing in numerous means.”

Through The Aetherius community, many kind-hearted individuals have located area and company. The corporation stops working barriers between folks and stimulates hooking up on an increased spiritual jet.

“it is extremely important currently within background to carry men and women together and achieve beyond boundaries,” Oscar mentioned. “At the forefront of The Aetherius culture’s teachings is the fact that we have been one human race, therefore we need certainly to work much more with each other.”

The Aetherius community offers Enlightenment Through Service

“appreciation is actually an all-permeating energy, that is above mind,” Dr. George King when mentioned in a sermon. “Simple fact is that great fuel associated with cosmos.”

Although George passed on in 1997, their essential message resides in The Aetherius culture. The will to-do great, share love, and unite humankind pushes the business ahead, and now a new generation of spiritual people have stepped up to guide the culture within the 21st century.

Through standard sermons, pilgrimages, and other holy efforts, The Aetherius culture has actually furthered the religious journeys of a huge selection of people worldwide. Anyone can connect to people in this community and locate price in its theories of love, peace, and recognition.

“It’s a cosmic objective, but it is available to every person,” Oscar told all of us. “All of our people, visitors, and sympathizers share a need to provide that assist treat globally through a larger cosmic comprehension of the universe.”

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